October 11, 2009

I Should Have Known Better

So randomly in our laundry room someone had left behind one section of the previous days newspaper. Two pages in and there it was. The annual NonFiction writing contest. Two years ago (at least) I had written something for it but then decided against submitting it. Last year I simply let the deadline slip by. But this year I intend to pen a little something for it.

This particular contest runs with a theme suggestion that you do not necessarily need to state word for word but can be implied, even subtly, within your piece. This year it is "I should have known better". I have a doozie stored up in the old noggin for this one but, seeing as it is in the vein of the previous non-submitted piece, will I have the guts to send it in? I think I will ponder the theme tomorrow. Perhaps I'll come up with something amazing that I should have known better about.


Anonymous said...

Well, whether you send it in or not, I fully expect you to share it with all of us!

Anonymous said...

Do it! Whatever you write, you will win for sure!

RnnrGrrl said...