August 23, 2009

Once a Pig?

I have never been a neat freak. I don't think I ever will be. Piles of things don't bother me. Sock fluff on carpets doesn't faze me. Dust on surfaces doesn't put me in a mild panic. Dishes? Pshaw. However. I have realized as of late that I am perhaps maybe a neatnik, the mini version of the Neat Freak.

I have noticed lately a few things that I seem to, let's be honest, obssess over. Things that before I would never bat an eye at, never cast a second glance towards. Take my bed for example. Never before did I care about the state of my bed and its blankets when I left it in the morning. Now? The pillows must be lined up straight and the comforter pulled taught and left laying evenly on the bed.

Partially open drawers or cupboards? Shudder at the thought. Crumbs on the counter? Where's the cloth? Water drops around the sink? Get me a towel, pronto.

So while I can stare at a sink full of dishes, watch a basket of laundry overflow, ignore a dirty window, or let things pile up on a table, I will not sit idly by while clothes are askew on a shelf or ketchup sits hardening around the lid.
That would just be wrong.


Anonymous said...

Two thoughts: maybe you're subconsciously trying to set a good example for MCK, or perhaps your latent OCD is starting to come to the fore!

cmacc said...

She LOVES cleaning. So no to number one. And my OCD? Wellll. Maybe??