November 23, 2009

Pick Me! Pick Me!

I'm so bad at picking favorites. I've had people ask me to pick my favorite this or my favorite that and inevitably, after much thought, I can sometimes narrow it down to top three. I hear other people throwing around their favorite band of all time or their one favorite meal they could eat forever and I just don't know how they do it. I can't even pick a favorite color!

Today a friend asked me what my all time fave band was. I couldn't even begin to compile a list, never mind pick ONE! Sensing that I was about to rattle off a list he opted to narrow it down for me. What was my fave band ten years ago. I did a little math in my head and was able to come up with an answer I was fairly confident in. Greenday. But only ten years ago and most certainly not my all time fave.

So I guess going forward if you want to know my fave something you'll need to be more specific. Fave movie STARRING ROBERT DeNIRO - The Score. Fave meal MADE ALMOST ENTIRELY OF CHEESE - my moms quiche. Fave song TO SING REALLY REALLY LOUD WITH IN THE CAR - I'm Your Man. Fave vehicle THAT I'VE OWNED - the sticker-mobile.

I guess I like too many things in a somewhat fickle, non-comittal kind of way. I attach things to my faves, like my fave boots for wearing with a skirt are not the same as my fave boots for wearing with leggings which are not the same as my fave boots for being in the snow which are not the same as my fave boots for puddle jumping...if I have that much trouble picking a favorite pair of boots, imagine forcing me to pick a favorite TV show? Reality or comedy? Documentary or drama? Who does that? Who can pick? Freaks of nature, that's who. And don't even get me STARTED trying to pick a favorite book. That would be asking McK to pick a favorite princess!


Anonymous said...

Just 'outta curiosity, have you asked McK if she has a favorite?

Can I be your favorite Los Angeles-based single hiking blogger friend?

cmacc said...

Yes, I've asked her. And AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME its Ariel. But that will change. Like, tomorrow.

And yes, you can fill that category. :)