November 12, 2009

Shopping and Watching

I threw my company credit card around today like it was the last day that the planet would be accepting MasterCard. I bought gourmet gift baskets of my own creation from a very fancy pants store. I assume they make good money off of their high end products because I don't personally know anyone who would go there and pay $2.95 for a tin of Green Giant niblets that cost .97 elsewhere. But they sure do have fancy crackers!

Then I went to Chapters and bought greeting cards and a chicken. Don't ask.

Then I got to go buy the most expensive knife in the cabinet for someones "wow you actually stuck around here for 30 years" present.

I was in the knife-buying store and had to ask someone where the washroom was. I used to work in the knife-buying store about 11 years ago and wouldn't you know it, this incredibly old gentleman, the one who I of course stopped to ask, remembered me. Ugh. Hello small talk, nice to see you again. We chitty-chatted for a bit and I realized that while I normally don't mind small talk, I really hate it when I have to go pee.

I bought gift cards and movies and books. It was a fun morning. Spending other peoples money usually is.

Second item of business. The Mentalist. It has come to my attention that a good number of folks do not watch my Mentalist and I am saddened to hear of this. While Robin Tunney has the standard female in a male role and associated acting skills to match, the other cast members are amazing. Patrick Jane? My word. Please. Cho? So straightforward, no unecessary words, no BS. Rigsby? Something about that underbite, that teenaged crush on the girl, that tough guy innocence. Van Pelt? I was not your biggest fan at first but I have warmed to you. I dig your restraint with Rigsby because you want to suceed at work. But lady, have you SEEN him? Wow. Willpower central. Anywho.

So for those of you who haven't watched an episode, please do. Snapshot: Patrick Jane's wife and child were killed by a serial killer, Red John. Everything else is just details.


Pam Brown said...

Would love to see a pic of the gift baskets you bought! Nothing is more fun than getting something fancy that you wouldn't normally purchase for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Handing a knife to someone to remind them that they've been stuck at the same job for 30 years? Is that really a good idea?

cmacc said...

GH - Hahahaha. Its up to him what he chooses to do with it. (side note: hes a hunter and it was a GORGEOUS hunting knife). :)