December 22, 2009

Things She Says That I'm Pretty Sure Are My Fault

So one day in the car, for one reason or another, McK and I made up a little ditty. Each time we sang it we added a little something to the end in the form of a Wooooooo and then a fake burp. The fake burp evolved into a funny little noise that sounds like someone with a very highpitched voice saying the word "MEEP".

Now sometime days later when we suddenly remember the words or the tune or we heard just the right burp, we would begin anew, singing our respective parts. And for some reason we both seem to love the word meep. So I started using the word in random sentences, giving the word "meep" a variety of meanings. Tonight, out of the deepest darkest blue, she threw out my favorite one, the one that made us laugh and laugh and laugh when I said it and laugh and laugh and laugh that silent-can;t-hardly-breathe laugh when SHE said it.

Imagine if you will, a six year old, taking on the voice and personality of a construction worker...and then she spits this one out:

"Hey lady, nice meeps!"

I should stop teaching her this shit.


ayurvedic treatment said...

i just want to say that she thinks always good for you..

Anonymous said...

You know one day she's SO gonna drink you under the table, right? ;)

cmacc said...

Ha! Shes such a card.