June 23, 2009

I'm Sorry, Did I St-st-st-stutter?

I remember back when I was young and everyone wished they had braces and glasses (everyone except those that actually HAD braces and glasses that is). We would chew our gum and then squish it in front of our top teeth and pretend we had braces or take the dark lenses out of our parents glasses and pretend we had specs. I even recall being a tweenager and buying fake glasses. I think I only had the guts to wear them in public once. I kept thinking everyone would know they were fake even though you would never be able to tell.

Anyway. I think theres a new social-misfit-wannabe-thing out there these days. McK has not yet expressed a desire for glasses or braces. She has, however, started to fake a stutter. Yes. You heard me. She pretends she has a stutter. I get irritated everytime she does it because I know how hard it can be to correct if someone actually had one. You can take fake glasses of and fake braces out. But what if you get so used to fake stuttering that you are actually doing when you're not thinking about it?

It freaks me out when she does it. Like my mom always told me, if I make a face it will stay that way. Well. If you fake a stutter will you actually end up with one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As someone who has had (and suffered the social stigmata of) glasses since 4th grade, I find the whole idea of people with perfect vision getting glasses as a fashion statement annoying as hell.

Any idea why she's pretending she has the stutter? Is she aware that those who have severe stuttering problems are often the subject of ridicule?