June 15, 2009

Anti-Social Extrovert

Is there such a thing? I think I am pretty extroverted in such that I can small talk with anyone and as painful as it might be I can more often than not find a common thread between myself and my conversation partner which we can grow a conversation on. I have no problem sitting at a table of people I don't know and listening in until I find something I can relate to or comment on or laugh with them about. And yet, I hate it.

I hate being put in situations where I am at a table full of people I don't know. I can see painful small talk coming at me from miles away and I exit stage left on the asap. I hate being in large groups of people and being forced to interact for fear of looking like a snot if I don't. I dread walking into places where I know small talkers lurk and I quickly calculate in my head how much time I need to devote to talking about nothing lest I risk looking like I am making an inappropriately timed departure. I avoid lunch rooms and gathering places and have detoured time and time again if theres someone in the bathroom when I plan to go in so that I don't have to listen to them pee while feeling obliged to ask them how their weekend was.

One on one's? Bingo bango. A couple of people who's company I enjoy? Bring it on. But if I pass by an old lady in the walkway under the building and I realize that we may have to share 15 long floors together on the elevator I will knock that walker right out of her hands and power walk my ass to the elevator to avoid it. Yes, I will even rapidly hit the "close door" button if I hear footsteps once I have entered an elevator. I don't want to talk to you in line at the grocery store. I don't want to know what you did this weekend. I could care less how you know the bride/groom/birthday girl/etc. I once had a 31 floor elevator ride with the CEO of one of Winnipeg's largest companies and while we probably could have found a myriad of things to discuss, I shut down and he commented that my lunch bag matched my purse. My averting eyes? Yes. Thats a sign. Leave me alone.

But should you happen to corner me and I have no escape route or hand signal of distress to a nearby friend you will find that I can prattle on about cars or construction or the cost of groceries or recipes or preschools or hand foot and mouth disease with the best of them. I just don't want to.


Princess of the Universe said...

I especially get you on the bathroom thing- if there's someone in there, I avoid it. I can't stand sharing peeing time.

Ali said...

I generally don't mind having to make small talk, but I think that's because, for some reason, people always talk to me.
All my life. I must have one of those faces that says "share with me."
The bathroom, grocery store lines, paying for parking, random passers-by on the street - I end up talking to all of them.
But I'm with you on part of it - I don't always like it.

Anonymous said...

Were you and I separated at birth or something?

I don't know why, but it annoys me when people want to have a conversation in the bathroom. Acknowledging each other is one thing, but a full on conversation while I'm standing at the urinal? Sheesh!

That said, I've never knocked out old ladies walkers before! ;)

سونجول said...

شركة تنظيف بالرياض
خطوات سهله وبسيطه تستطيعين من خلالها الحصول على منزل منظم مرتب ونظيف هناك بعض السيدات
التي ترى ان مهمة تنظيف المنزل هي من المهام الشاقه والمجهده لهن ولا يستطعين التصرف وايجاد حلول تسهل

عليهم عملية التنظيف ولكن هناك امور سهله وبسيطه اذا قمتي بيها يوميا لن تأخد من وقتك في الصباح الكثير وفي
نفس الوقت سوف يظل البيت نظيفا اطول وقت ولا يحتاج منكي مجهودا كبيرا لتنظيفه فهناك عدة نصائح منها
اولا في كل صباح عند استيقاظك قومي بتهوية المنزل وتجديد هواءه ودخول الشمس فهذا يمنع الجراثيم والبكتيريا ان
تعيش داخل منزلك وبهذا تجعلين بيتك بيئه صحيه وسليمه لافرداه
ثانيا قومي بجمع الملابس واي شئ متسخ ووضعه بالغساله وقومي بوضع النظيف بمكانه بترتيب
شركة تنظيف بالرياض
شركة تنظيف بالرياض
ثالثا ضعي اي شئ ليس بالمكان المخصص له بمكانه فبهذا لا يكون هناك فوضى بالمنزل وهذا يعلم اطفالك ايضا الترتيب
ثالثا قومي بتغيير الملائات للسرائر وتغيير مناشف الوجه وغسل المتسخ ووضع النظيف
رابعا قومي بمسح اسطح الاثاث بمنشفه جافه لتزيلي الاتربه من عليها بسهوله
خامسا قومي بكنس السجاد باستخدام المكنسه الكهربائية لازالة اي اتربه عالقه او غبار به
سادسا الارضيات قومي بتلميعهم بسائل المخصص لذلك وبعدها قومي بتجفيفه
شركة تنظيف بالرياض
شركة تنظيف بالرياض
وهناك ايضا المظبخ لا تتركي به اي قمامه حاولي التخلص منها دائما اول باول قومي بمسح البوتجاز بعد الانتهاء من طهي الطعام
قومي بغسل الاطباق والكوبايات اول باول حتى لا تتراةم عليكي
قومي ببمسحه مبلله بالماء والصابون بمسح السيراميك مع خزانه المطبخ

والثلاجه من الخارج لكي يعطي مظهرا لامعا لمطبخكي
هناك ايضا الحمام فيحتاج بعض الوقت منكي لابد من الاهتمام والاعتناء به وغسل اجزاءه
بالماء والصابون والكلور وتغيير مناشفه وتعقيمه وتعطيره جيدا

هذه العمليات ان قمتي بها يوميا فلا تأخد منكي وقتا لان المنزل سيصبح نظيف يوميا ومع المداومه لا يحتاج منكي الى مجهود
يومي وقومي في الاخير بتعطير المنزل بالكامل بالمعطرات او البخور العربي فلهذا تأثير ايجابي لراحتكم النفسيه انتي واسرتك

