June 27, 2009


So once again Facebook has proved to be a connector of sorts. Not only do I get to sneak a peek into the lives of my cousins around the world that I have not seen for decades (they are nearly unrecognizable but clearly related) but I get a glimpse into their adult lives and no longer are they the cute little kids who would visit us and talk with adorable accents. They are now the stunningly beautiful grown people with fantastic interests and skills and stories and yes, still with adorable accents.

Most recently I have connected with an Uncle I don't even remember having an actual, honest-to-goodness, proper conversation with. I have no idea how old I was the last time I saw him but I'm pretty sure if he didn't have something positive to say about Wham!, neon tube socks or heavily backcombed hair, we probably didn't talk much. But now? Its like we've known each other all along. His kids are grown and beautiful and amazing and while I know my mom has sent him pictures of McKinley, I feel like I now get to share my own growing, beautiful, amazing girl with him.

He writes poetry, reads great books, shares one of my favorite authors with me, loves some of the same movies. Related? Without question. Am I speeding up my intent to take a jump across the pond? Without a doubt.

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