September 28, 2009

Spread Sheetin'

I have been tasked with collecting inventory data (glamorous, I know) and compiling said data and inputting said data into a spreadsheet (you're jealous now, right?). I am generally "ok" with spreadsheets. I can figure out a formula. I can usually make things work out. The other week I even went so far as to say I "organized the shit out of a spreadsheet". So this task I have been given, while a little mind numbing, didn't really phase me.

Today I began to work on it. A few of the inventory sheets came in and I thought I'd be all proactive and get the data entered. I opened one sheet. Didn't look right. I opened another sheet. Already populated. Hmmm. This wasn't making sense. I fiddled. I toyed with the idea of clearing cells. I saved an alternate version of the same file in case my fiddling made things, oh I don't know, worse. I futskied around with that bullshit data for an hour trying to remember/figure out where it was to be stored and, like a man who does not ant to ask for directions but HAS to, I went and asked the question.

"Does the data go in THIS sheet or THAT one?"

"Neither", was the reply.

Oh. Now it all makes sense. I couldn't find where to enter the friggin numbers because I didn't have the new frigging sheet yet. Hey look! Turns out I'm not a moron after all.


Anonymous said...

Oh, we knew you weren't a moron all along. :)

And you had me at "collecting inventory data" anyway... ;)

cmacc said...

Haha! Funny, cuz they lost me at that exact same point!