June 25, 2009


So I know a million people will be writing about the fact that Michael Jackson died and they will go on and on about how he was a pioneer and in the top ten music makers of all time and blah-de-blah-blah but honestly, what do I think? I think he was a freakshow.
I have never hidden my disdain for him. Yes, his songs were all great. Not denying that. But how much can one person do to themselves and their body before it shuts down and refuses to work properly?
While its undoubtedly sad for his kids and family and friends, as any death would be, I for one am not looking forward to the endless coverage that will be on tv.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fact that he passed is sad, to be sure, but I can't say that I'm broken up about it as some people are. I always find the contrast between him and Madonna to be interesting (who'd have thunk she would turn out to be the normal one?) in that she clearly took control of things, whereas I think he let a lot of people control him. But that's just theory; maybe no one knows for sure.

(Oh, and I'm woefully behind on your blog, but I will sit down and catch up soon. Expect to come home one day to a whole bunch of comments!)