This shocked us when we determined that it was pre-pregnancy. I did not paddle while pregnant and we just never felt safe or confident with mck in there. But she spent a summer in lakes with a lifejacket on and has proven herself a mighty hiker so now is the time. We have talked about getting a roof rack put on for the last 4 cars and have finally done it. Today we went to make sure the canoe fit on there like it should. The result? Like a glove.
I made the effort yesterday to dig out our boxes upon boxes of gear and pull out the items necessary for a summers worth of tripping and voila, we are a threesome ready to j-stroke the hell out of town.
So what spurred on this drive to just quit making excuses and hiding our laziness by "all the other things we have to do this weekend"? I saw pictures on facebook of a friends group of friends that kayaked through terrain that I used to live and breathe. I have probably paddled some of the same water. Sat on some of the same rock. And I decided enough was enough. It was time. We have everything we need, we have time, we have an amazing explorer in our beautiful girl who loves being outside as much as we do.
We are going back to the island we new so well. We once spent two weeks of vacation living on that island. Its a homecoming for us. And an introduction for Mck. I am aching for it, for lying on rocks warmed by the afternoon sun, meals cooked on an open fire, stars that light the night sky, lazing in my hammock, aching to see the island through the eyes of my five year old.
I am longing to feel the grain of the paddle in my hands, the drip, drip, drip of the water as I bring it back for another stroke, the sun on my face and wind at my back. Seven years. What was I thinking?

I'm thinking I'm pretty glad I didn't read this post, and that poetic description, while sitting at work!
I know right? I think the chainsaws and motorboats took away a little of the poetry while we were out there but its all good.
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