November 10, 2009

The Light! I See The Light!!

So by the lack of incessant emails requesting this inventory data and that inventory data infiltrating my inbox at mach speed, I am tempted to think that it just might be over. I hesitate to say that out loud for fear of totally jinxing myself but all signs point to finito. I had one email yesterday with a simple request, one today with the last company data included and only one desperate note from the guy heading it all up asking if I was in yet. In the heart of this mess I would get the "Are you in the office?" email just about every time I got up to go to the bathroom. Yes, I would assure him, yes I am in the freakin office. Can a girl not go pee in this our time of crisis? Geez.

And now? I find myself planning a whopper of a trip to New Orleans. I find myself booking meetings with big wigs from the states and simply adoring all of the assistants I am dealing with for this. I find myself shopping for thank you gifts and creative promotional items and can feel those juices start to flow again. I find myself, quite simply, catching up. But most importantly, I find myself loving what I'm doing again.

Its about time.


Anonymous said...

Some days I don't even remember the last time I felt that way...

cmacc said...

I know. I'm lucky. Its rare i think.