The leading role. Brooding, conflicted, a little angry, a little rebellious, and always blonde. I suppose in the eyes of a casting director it was what the part called for. But more often than not, the brown-haired-in-the-shadows-everyones-best-friend ends up fast becoming the star of the show. Call it rooting for the underdog, I don't know, but the brainy/geeky/not as athletic/second stringer is usually the guy who ends up with the girl/the scholarship/the accolades.
Case in point. Dawson vs Pacey. No contest. Pacey. Ryan vs Seth. Hands down. Seth. Lucas vs Nathan. Please. Perhaps a more level playing field but still, Nathan.
I think there is perhaps only one show where the blondie beats the pants off the brunette. But in thinking about it now I see that maybe its NOT the hair color after all. Maybe its the level of percieved importance attached to that particular role? In this case, the brunette is intended to have the more prominent role which lends itself to one naturally and automatically favoring the blonde. Noel vs Ben. Doesn't even need a nanosecond of thought. Ben.
Side Note: when I watch Felicity and Julie is on, all I think of when I see her is that she used to be a Power Ranger and I can't take her seriously. Just me?
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Do you know why the the brainy/geeky/not as athletic/second stringer ends up with the girl/the scholarship/the accolades on TV? Because in real life the brainy/geeky/non athletic guy grew up and became a tv script writer.
BRILLIANT. Never thought of it that way. Ha.
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