I used to love Andrew Dice Clay. And had I not seen the latest Celebrity Apprentice I might even still say that. But his crass humor was lost on me when I actually saw his personality. However, there are some oldies but goodies that have stood my test of time.
Dennis Leary. I got his CD Lock'n'Load years and years ago. I listened to it throughout a particularly boring stretch of highway between here and Calgary and I gotta say, maybe I have a thing for crass humor. Though he seems to blend in common sense humor at the same time. Favorite bit? The availability of coffee flavored coffee.
Adam Sandler. Love his stand up. Love his SNL days. Love his straight faced funnies. What I don't love so much? Most of his movies. But I forgive him. Why do I forgive so many bad movie roles in a row? Three words. The Hannukah Song.
Will Ferrell. SNL came back to life in my eyes. Even now, when he guest hosts it, its just better. His movies are goofy but not stupid and he is just. Plain. Funny. His best flick? Stepbrothers. His best line? "That's not santa! That's not santa!".
Up'n'comer? I don't know his name but he's on MadTV. He plays the socially "behind" kid with the rosy cheeks and he needs to get himself off of Mad and on to SNL so he can truly grow and people can see his Farrell-esque funniness.
And the new supposedly funny men? Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill? Yeah. I don't get it.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
I looooooove Denis Leary. Am OK with Adam.
Am meh on the rest.
Can I say again: looooove Denis :)
If he ever tours up your way, go see Craig Shoemaker. Trust me on this one. :)
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