July 30, 2009

Some Things I Am Thinking RIGHT NOW

- McK is asleep and all of her hair is directly in her face. Does the same thing happen to me? I don't think so. I think it would drive me nuts and wake me up. But who knows.

- I am flying to Calgary tomorrow. I get to see my sister and help her move, see both of my gorgeously handsome and brilliant nephews, and see my bro and sis in law. How often do I get to do that? Not often enough.

- While I don't necessarily consider myself a people pleaser, I certainly consider myself a people helper. I want to help. Sometimes I get kicked in the face for my efforts, or taken advantage of, and sometimes I know its appreciated. In fact, its often the times where I am completely unable to help but the knowledge is there that I would if I could that garners the most appreciation. And that's as good as actually doing something.

- Got the keys to our new mailbox for the new house. Still have a month and a bit before the scheduled move-in date but it'll be nice to start changing the addresses on things. Kind of feel like we've pulled one over on Canada Post. Satisfying.

- This weather? Odd but interesting. Sun, then grey, then massive 5 minute downpours, then sun that comes out so quick and with such an attitude its like its saying, "What are YOU looking at?".

- I am leaving Winnipeg on a weekend where the temps are things my dreams are made of and heading to Calg where suddenly they are having a heat wave with highs in the 30s. And I am moving boxes and furniture. God help me. I will be a sweaty mess all weekend. The sooner I come to terms with this, the better.

- I packed small. Carry on small. For 3 plus days. Go me.
- A friend of mine texted me today and said "you'll never guess, I'm in Regina on my way to Edmonton". Well, I must say that was an incredibly accurate statement. I would NEVER have guessed that. She may even be in Calgary at the same time as me. How weird.

- I write nearly all my blog posts from my blackberry. I generally write them right before bed. Its becoming almost habit like. I feel like Rev Run in the bath at the end of each episode. I think I need some words of wisdom.

- If you REALLY want to help someone, stop annoying them by asking them what you can do all the time. Find something that needs doing, and do it. There.

God is Love, Rev Run.


Leslie said...

I'll never forget your visit to Edmonton after I had Carter.

cmacc said...

I will always remember walking in your house, snatching him out of his carrier seat, holding him up over my head and Joel saying, "Well, SOMEONE has spent alot of time around babies." Haha. Too cute.