March 6, 2010

Memory, Or Lack Thereof

Sometimes I wonder if its a girl thing, this whole having a good memory schtick. And I don't mean remembering teensy weensy things versus hugely important things. I mean, in general.

Tonight I went to get us Subway for dinner. My instruction from Pat? "That new one from the commercial". Thats it. Thats what I had to go on. Yet I knew exactly what to get. Chipotle Southwest Steak and Cheese. And what does he have on it, you ask? I have that one down pat, regardless of the fact that he orders something different every time I go. Now heres the funny thing. Me? I always, ALWAYS, get turkey breast with the following: no cheese, tiny bit of mayo, lettuce, green pepper, onion and a dash of pepper. Its a small order, not entirely complicated, never wavering. But do you think I could simply say to Pat, "I'll have my usual" and get what I normally have? Oh hell no.

I can even simplify this one step further. Lets take Tim Hortons for example. I generally opt to "eat in" when we go if Pat's driving just to avoid the unavoidable stress that will come if he needs to place our order in the drive thru. You see, its complicated, this order of mine. Lately its been ok as I have been getting the exact same thing as him but a few months back? Stress. Pat would order himself an everything bagel, toasted with plain cream cheese. He had McK's order down pretty solid. Plain bagel, not toasted, plain cream cheese. Now heres where it gets really complicated. I would ask for an everything bagel, just like pats, toasted, just like pats, but with butter, no cream cheese. And that is where it went horribly wrong, time and time again. I can't count the number of times I would end up with cream cheese on my bagel, which I refuse to eat. (side note: cheese is not meant to be spreadable. Peanut butter, yes. Margarine, yes. Cheese, no. Cheese is meant to be in a big block of orange goodness. But I digress.)

So is it a female vs male thing? Am I just better at remembering than he is? I have our chinese food order tucked away up there, our pizza order safely stored, his chicken preferences (all ribs even if it costs more), I even have noted the new found love for Wendy's chili. So why then, is it so hard for him to remember medium TRIPLE TRIPLE. Ugh. Men.


Anonymous said...

No. Yes. Wait, who are you again?

cmacc said...

Funny. Men.