January 22, 2010

Get Off the Phone

On Thursday McKinley came home and said a pal at school had given her her phone number to call for a playdate. I figured the chance of it being the right number was sort of slim but said to go ahead and call. She said she was nervous and didn't want to.

I went upstairs for a minute and when I walked down I saw her holding the phone out in front of her talking to it. I thought she was rehearsing what she wanted to say to Tahlia so I asked her what she was doing. She said the machine said to leave a message so thats what she was doing. After she sighed a bigh sigh of relief.

Today I thought about the odds of her calling the right people so I emailed the dad to see if they got the message. He did, he said, on his cellphone. She didn't say who it was that was calling though so they had no idea who to call back. We made the playdate arrangements.

When I got home today I told McK that it was pretty much arranged but that she could call Tahlia and confirm. She was PUMPED. She got on the phone and this is what I heard:

Ring, ring.
(Them saying hello.)
McK: Hi
(Them saying hi back.)
Mck: Is Tahlia there?
(Them saying she's not there)
McK: Darn. Bye.

I stopped her and told her to see if she could leave a message and the dad on the other end obviously knew why mck was calling so he had a conversation with her but clearly she needs a little more practice. How friggin cute is that? Darn.


Anonymous said...

I just hope she grows up better than I am with answering machines/VM. I can't stand the bloody things. Doesn't matter how long I've known someone, I always get nervous...

cmacc said...

Haha, something tells me she will be a phone addict. I'm not too worried. More the other way round....