January 25, 2010

Today I stayed home from work because a) we had a blizzard thing going on around here and b) McK had some hivey thing going on. I got alot of work done, including a power point for a committee I am on that needs to be presented to the big wigs. McK decided that she needed to do a power point also. Because after all, they do them at school.


Yes. At school. In her grade one class. She is learning to do Power Point Presentations.

So she sat, quietly working away, picking themes, designing, searching the net for just the right images, inserting them into the appropriate pages. Shes done 3 now. Not pages. Entire presentations.

I didn't have the energy to let her know it could be set to music with crazy effects. I just don't have the patience after the crap my presentation pulled on me. Maybe tomorrow.

January 22, 2010

Get Off the Phone

On Thursday McKinley came home and said a pal at school had given her her phone number to call for a playdate. I figured the chance of it being the right number was sort of slim but said to go ahead and call. She said she was nervous and didn't want to.

I went upstairs for a minute and when I walked down I saw her holding the phone out in front of her talking to it. I thought she was rehearsing what she wanted to say to Tahlia so I asked her what she was doing. She said the machine said to leave a message so thats what she was doing. After she sighed a bigh sigh of relief.

Today I thought about the odds of her calling the right people so I emailed the dad to see if they got the message. He did, he said, on his cellphone. She didn't say who it was that was calling though so they had no idea who to call back. We made the playdate arrangements.

When I got home today I told McK that it was pretty much arranged but that she could call Tahlia and confirm. She was PUMPED. She got on the phone and this is what I heard:

Ring, ring.
(Them saying hello.)
McK: Hi
(Them saying hi back.)
Mck: Is Tahlia there?
(Them saying she's not there)
McK: Darn. Bye.

I stopped her and told her to see if she could leave a message and the dad on the other end obviously knew why mck was calling so he had a conversation with her but clearly she needs a little more practice. How friggin cute is that? Darn.

January 21, 2010

Coming Home

I think I say this everytime I go away, whether its for a night or a week, its fun being away but WOW there's nothing like your own bed with your own pillows and coffee made YOUR way and toast from your own toaster and a selection of foods that YOU chose.

Its weird to feel almost a little jaded from work trips. Steak, yeah, medium well thanks. Wine, ok, white, as per. Big breakfast, sure, we'll just expense it. I tell ya, its a happy happy morning when I walk in the meeting room and there is a selection of cold cereals for breakfast.

Maybe that makes me simple. Maybe it makes me jaded. But at dinner last night, when one guy ordered a chicken pasta dish and actually said, "Oh MAN I am SO looking forward to this chicken, I'm SO sick of steak all week", I totally got him.

January 19, 2010


Why is it that when my old boss calls me and asks what I'm doing, I am compelled to say, "Nothing". He ALWAYS questions it, tells me it must be nice to sit around and get paid to do nothing. And yet, I still say it. And not in a "I'm available to help, what do you need" kind of nothing way. Nope. In a smart assy way.

Once, when he called and asked, I told him I was painting my nails and eating bon bons. What is WRONG with me?

January 18, 2010

IT Guy

So heres the thing. Our IT guys at work are pretty good. Not stellar, and not always readily available. But pretty good. Generally I think they put up with a lot, and I mean a LOT, of bullshit from morons like me who call them in a tizzy wondering why I don't even get a light on my computer and it just won't "go". I generally FEEL like I've tried EVERYTHING before I call them and inevitably its the most elementary, Windows-for-Dummies kind of thing that fixes the problem. I'm usually left with a feeling of "Duh!" when I get off the phone and a mental note to try more things before calling them next time.

Downside is, people (myself included because sometimes you just never know) will call on them for absolutely anything that has to do with the computer. Have a question about Power Point? Call them. Need to move a formula in excel? Call them. Word layout keeps moving when you hit enter? Call IT. And every time its the same thing. "I don't know much about Power Point/Publisher/Visio etc etc etc. I can INSTALL it for you, but I don't use it so I don't know." Which, when you've taken a moment to think about it, makes sense. Why, if they don't ever have to use any of these programs, would they go out of their way to learn them for us morons who muck about in them and bugger it all up, thus requiring the rescue. I get that now. I no longer ask.

It bugs me when I hear people get huffy about that.

Anywho. I have spent the weekend bothering our IT guy about this and that and bit torrents and music downloads and ethernet cables and xbox updates. They gave me a new blackberry and now I am connected to them all the time. Poor guys. Though its kind of ironic. Teach me how to communicate and voila, I'm pestering you through messenger, communicator, email AND text. Good job guys!


A couple of months after Pat and I started dating, we got a dog from the Humane Society. On the drive home he shit in the car and took off in a Walmart parking lot. We loved him anyway.

His name came about strictly by fave band at the time and thus, Greenday began his life with us. Greenday was an awesome dog. Not too big, not too small, very very smart and very very protective. He LOVED hiking. He would get uber excited when he would see me starting to load up the car with packs and gear but let me tell you, when he saw his OWN little pack come out? You'd swear he was having a heart attack. He would hike in front of us on every trail, run ahead a bit, scout it out, run back to us, run ahead, sniff this and that, stop and wait for us to catch up, and run ahead some more. He loved it out there. He was an outdoor dog. This was his element.

Greenday saved Pat's bacon more than once (lost in the bushes and completely directionless, arguing with a dog who ended up being right in his insistence that they go HIS way, and just about dying in a warm up shack that filled with smoke while Pat slept until Greenday made the most god awful gutteral noises and woke him up.) He has also kept me company in the car and on the trail when I've had to work and meet up with everyone out in the woods later on. While not entirely chatty, he was someone to talk to and kept me awake.

When McKinley was born, we were super pumped to get the two of them together and bonding. We waited awhile to introduce them and when we did....spots. Not sparks. Spots. In the form of little red bumps on my sweet little newborns skin. Ugh. Allergy. Super. So after much talking and worrying and wondering what to do, we decided that Greenday deserved more than being a second thought and a constant "don't let the dog touch the baby!" worry and we chose to try and find a new home for him. We had a few people respond to our ad and then one day, in walked a family from the country. They had an outdoor dog named Rogue who they desperately wanted a companion for. Greenday and Rogue met each other in the confines of our garage and hit it off like they had known each other forever. The family lived on a big piece of land in the country and Greenday would spend his days running around outside with Rogue, his new BFF.

We got letters and updates from the family for awhile and when the last one read, "our vet is astounded that these two aren't related. He has never seen two unrelated, non-sibling dogs have such a close bond and connection", we knew it was time to butt out of his new life and let him be with his new family.

We have told mck endless stories about Greenday and while she still is not super comfortable around dogs, she's getting there. She may very well have grown out of her allergy but its hard to tell when she doesn't really pet any. But my point to this whole story is.........I think Greenday is living in Sage Creek now!!!!!!

Just after we moved in I saw a man walking a dog. I commented to myself, "Wow, that looks like Greenday". I would watch him in the backyard (it faces the street) and think it again. And then one day, I saw the man again. And he was walking TWO dogs. Now, I don't honestly remember exactly what Rogue looked like other than that he was brown. But if ever there were two dogs that looked like Rogue and Greenday, these were the two! Yesterday as we drove past, "Greenday" was outside. I told Pat to back up because he didn't believe me. He does now. I rolled down my window and called out the name and the dog looked up but I would think any dog would look up if he heard a lilty voice calling out. So while I don't discount it, I don't hold alot of hope to it. I think all we can do is try and come across the guy as he's walking them and ask their names. I'm guessing they probably changed Greenday's name unless they, too, were big fans.

Who knows. Maybe he's here. Maybe we get to see him in his later years. How freaking cool would THAT be???

January 17, 2010

Whoa. Where The Eff Have I Been?

Work = Gongshow

Result of above = Uber tired and straight to bed

Brain capacity in evenings = Zero

Result of above = No new posts

And in the time since I last wrote, you ask? Well here you go from 1 to 10:

I have had one birthday. And oddly enough, the day after my birthday where I felt neither any older or my actual age, my back siezes up and I feel like an old woman.

I have watched 2 documentaries on the Antarctic. While I would love to be around the beautiful ice bergs and the cool temperatures and the endless photographic landscape, the water water everywhere freaks me out.

Thanks to Christmas and the above mentioned birthday I now have 3 bottles of Reisling chilling in the fridge.

There were 4 huge moves at work. One invlolved my old boss that I was super sad to have lost. Now? Not so sad when I see who his replacement is.

Had 5 retarded email exchanges with someone who just can't quite bring themselves to be honest with anyone. Kept complete composure and remained very "adult" about it.

Only 6 days until my friend is due to have her baby. I sense that they'll be early but who's to know.

Saw 7 of the most amazing outdoor adventure movies at the Film Fest yesterday. So motivating, so inspirational, so made me go organize my gear and begin planning.

Came up with 8 new places I want to go, including but not limited to a B&B in Thunder Bay, the aquarium in Victoria, the emergency response headquarters in Courtney, my works office in Hawaii and more.

Yeah. I'm lost for 9 and 10. So tired. Must sleep.