What am I going to do when McK is old enough not just to read this but to understand it?
How much more do I need to get Mck for Christmas? Does she care?
What kind of a discount would they give a parttimer working at the new North Face store?
Is it weird to REALLY want to go for ice cream when, with the windchill, its minus 37 celcius?
Why are there not very many really good breakfast joints in the city? And by really good I mean really cheap.
I curled McK's hair today for the Christmas Party. Luckily she didn't REALLY have the patience for it so I think I may get away with not having to do it often.
Why have we not used our Fort Whyte membership more often?
I HATE Best Buy and Future Shop. I know they are useful and possibly necessary but it doesn't make me hate them any less.
Old Navy has some good sales but why can't they just take the time to mark the tags with the sale prices. Hanging the paper above the rack is all good and fine until you find that one perfect thing and think its 50% off only to realize someone put it back in the wrong spot. That sucks.
If you're going to put a nice cozy fireplace in a McDonalds, don't you think a minus 40 degree morning warrants turning the damn thing on? We drove all the way to Charleswood for that bloody thing.
McKinley is going to be a good driver.
You see people differently when they're with their kids. Especially work people.
I work for a really good company.
Is 600 bucks too much for a two way car starter when its as cold as it has been? I don't think so.
I am going back to work tomorrow after being off sick for 4 days. I feel as sick as I did last week but feel bad taking anymore time off.
My kid is so beautiful. But that thought is not exclusive to today.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
- You're going to freak the frack out.
- Depends on how much you got her already. Whatever the case, 20 years from now she'll be most thankful for growing up in a loving home.
- When you find out, be sure to let me know.
- It's funny: in colder climes, ice cream is okay all year. In warmer climes like L.A., only in summer...
- You need to come here for the good, cheap breakfast!
- But when she's at her teenage slumber parties, she'll have infinite patience for it...
- What the heck is FW?
- Best Buy = evil, in a truly loud, annoying, gaudy form
- Because that would be like, you know, "work"
- A McDonalds with... a fireplace? Can I get a picture?
- Once she's past the teenage terror stage...
- No comment, as I have no kids...
- *jealous*
- No comment, as I bask in the harsh 68 degree L.A. winter ;)
- You shouldn't!
- :)
Great comments! Fort Whyte is a nature centre we have here...
Awesome place. And I'll try and remember to take the fireplace pic!
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