I have always found that in high stress, very important situations, my body/energy level/abilities always seemed to stay right where I needed them to be, right to the very last minute. Take, for example, the Bike Tours. TONS of prep work, TONS of lead up, TONS of physical exertion in the days prior and all weekend of the tour, TONS of clean up, TONS of brain power required to make snap decisions and change course on a dime. And right up until that very last pallet was piled back into the warehouse, I had what it took in me to get it all done.
Now the days FOLLOWING the bike tours? Whole other story. The energy level shuts down. The enthusiasm shuts down. The go-go-go attitude shuts down. And eventually, the immune system that stayed so rock solid when your body was screaming to sleep and rest and be left the hell alone? Well, it shuts down too.
There was so much going on just before the big move. Final prep with the builder. Nightmare situations with the bank. Miscommunications with the lawyer. Little things on top of other little things. Work duties piling up with no light at the end of the tunnel. Packing box after box. Planning trucks and prepping loads and getting it all to the house and oh wait we forgot to eat again. Shuttling boxes upstairs and downstairs and upstairs only to realize it really needed to be downstairs. Sore backs and sore calves. Tired bodies with no sign of stopping. Work was still there, waiting anxiously for my return. And finally, we're in, and life is as it shall be going forward. And now, slowly but surely, its sneaking in.
Slowly but surely, the runny nose sneaks in. The sore throat sneaks in. The nagging cough sneaks in. The exhaustion sneaks in. The headache? Well, she barged in but she was never one to be sneaky. Slowly but surely, the sickness sneaks in and takes over. It rubs your back and tells you its ok, just let yourself shut down. I'm gonna be here for awhile, it says, its ok. I'm sneaking in, slowly but surely, and we're gonna get to know each other REAL well. I'm gonna be here for awhile, you may as well make yourself comfy. Well, as comfy as you can get with sickness invading. Slowly but surely, I'm sneaking in, and you'll let it happen, you'll get used to me, you'll give in.
Sneaky bastard.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
1 comment:
What you're talking about isn't all that uncommon. Heck, I used to get sick after finals in college, semester after semester!
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