I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with cardboard. I'm obsessed with shoving every item possible IN to cardboard. I have become a packing fiend. I feel lost when I run out of boxes. I feel frazzled when it seems like there's nothing to pack. And don't even get me STARTED on how it feels to realize that something is too big for the size of boxes I have. Downright depressing.
I have organized us down to socks per day for the number of days to the move. Today mck put her Thursday outfit socks on and there was a hole in one. I very near hyperventilated. Surely I wasn't going to put her Friday socks on! Instead I grabbed a pair from the laundry. This was NO time to be messing with my system!
As soon as we are done with something, into the box it goes. I planned our dinners this week with the least amount of pots and pans required as possible. Once a dinner was done and the remaining weeks menu didn't require it, into the box it went. Pat even offered to get chinese yesterday and I practically shouted at him. "No!" I said, "I have our food planned perfectly and I'm not messing it up!". I turned down an opportunity to NOT COOK. What is going on here?? What have I become?
I am a woman on a mission when it comes to getting things in boxes. I want it all in boxes. Lovely, uniform, easy to transport boxes. I am putting everything in boxes. I put couch cushions in a box. I put a TV in a box. I bought a new comforter that came with its own perfectly good zippered carrying case and it is KILLING me to not put it in a box. It would take up the whole box. It would weigh all of a pound. But its not uniform. Its not lovely. Its not easy to transport (ok maybe that ones a stretch but COME ON!). I keep looking at it. Part of me wants to use up all the boxes so its not even an option to pack it. And part of me wants to keep a box off to the side and suddenly stumble upon it like its a spare and theres nothing left to pack but, oh wait, what's this, a perfectly already packed comforter? Why, that would fit just perrrrrfectly in this one last totally unexpected empty box. Or maybe I'm just crazy.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
A little ocd, are we? :) At least now I know what to get you for your birthday: cardboard boxes!
Next time I move, I think I'm gonna use this company that has plastic boxes. They make them out of recycled plastic, so you rent them, use them, then return them. The boxes are good for about 25 uses and when they're too busted up, they just shred them, melt them down, and remake them into a brand new box. Why hadn't anyone thought of that before?
That sounds like a very cool company. I don't think we have one of those up here...
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