Lately I have felt like a bit of a new-house-whore. I've written nearly solely about the house. Thought about very little else. Shopped for nothing but knick knacks and doo-dads. And while yes, I do absolutely love the new house, I think we need a night apart. So this fine and balmy fall evening, I will attempt to write about other things (even though my mind automatically wanders to my balcony where, had I found the adirondack chair I've been searching for, I might have spent a portion of today IN said chair under a blankie with a good book and a cup of joe, but I digress).
Other noteworthy items in the life of me, completely unrelated to my casa:
* I think mck is getting sick. For reals this time. And I think it may be a doozie.
* I was tricked into seeing a light at the end of the inventory/spreadsheet blech-iness that I have been embroiled in at work.
* There is much more to do on that front. I quote, "You know everything you did for western Canada? You have to do that for the east". Oh, you mean the east that you told me I didn't have to worry about three weeks ago? THAT east? Oh.
* A friend of mine is falling in love. How crazy is that to witness, you ask? Wicked crazy.
* My old boss tried to get me back. He got shut down the minute the request came out of his mouth but the fact that he actually asked the president of canadian operations to make it happen made me feel pretty darn good.
* I flew my trainer kite in such winds that, had I had rollerblades on, I'd have been dragged across the field in some capacity. While the potential for injury is great, the sheer idea of it made me put my blades in the car for next time, just in case.
* I had pancakes today. Its been awhile.
* Mck's texture issues seem to be reaching an all time high. If something is in her mouth for any length of time, she spits it out and nearly pukes. Her menu just shrank dramatically. Again.
* I organized the trunk of my car AND my closet this weekend. I found a bottle of wine, a missing jacket, 7 pens but no blackberry case.
* We took mck to a movie. It was so good that I was able to organize my entire purse during it. That was sarcasm. It wasn't good. Though I DID organize my purse.
* I brought home a stack of work papers approximately 4.5 inches thick. Its still 4.5 inches thick. Oh wait. That's a lie. I threw out about half an inch.
* I did a big grocery shop on saturday morning. And I didn't have to walk through a parkade, get two heavy metal doors open, stand and wait for an elevator, ride 15 floors and then get mck to unlock the door, times FIVE, to get them all inside.
And yes, that was a big fat reference to being in my new home. Bags to door to kitchen. Magical and often taken for granted. Not in THIS house.