Was 2009 really as bad as everyone is writing? I have seen endless blog posts bitching and moaning about how horrible 2009 was and I just gotta say, really? Am I the only one on the planet who thought 2009 was pretty darn ok?
I'm not doing a long recap, a best and worst list, or a resolution run-down. But I will say this; in 2009 our home was built, I met a woman who became one of my closest friends, I knew about her pregnancy before her parents, I watched another close friend fall in love, I agreed to run a half marathon with my sister, I saw my brother become a dad, I got a promotion of sorts, I watched my little girl become a big girl and start grade one, I bit off more than I could chew but bit anyway, I took mck canoeing and she loved it, and I may very well have found the cure for my thin and oft-breaking hair.
Yeah, there were crappy things that happened, of course. But why worry about them? Onwards and upwards. Happy new year. Here's to an even wickeder (today, its a word) year ahead.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago